Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sheepskin Seat Covers - A look at Mosaic Sheepskin Covers

Today I want to tell you about a type of Sheepskin Seat Covers called Mosaic.  Most Sheepskin Seat Covers are made from a solid piece of sheepskin.  Most people like these solid pattern seat covers.  I on the other hand like something else.  They are called Diamond Mosaic Sheepskin Covers. 

Diamond Mosaic Sheepskin Covers are made from small remnants of sheepskin left over when the manufacturer is making something else from sheepskin.  I guess you could say the scraps left over from other products are kept and they make what they call Mosaic Sheepskin product.  What a lot of people don't understand about Mosaic Sheepskin is that these remnants are very high quality pieces that are put together in a uniform Mosaic pattern.  Take a look at the picture to get an Idea of how they look. 

In my opinion these Mosaic covers are just as high quality as the full sheepskin covers.  And here is the best part.  You can usually get  tailor made diamond mosaic sheepskin seat covers for about the same price as some of the ready made sheepskin covers! 

Mosaic Sheepskin Covers are High Quality and last just as long.  Check me out at Seat Sheepskin Covers and ask about your Sheepskin Covers.  Email me at Support@SeatSheepskinCovers or
Call 843-882-Seat (7328)

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